Scholarships for the Formation of Priests in Rome

We are committed to the integral formation of priests and seminarians coming from different regions of Colombia. We complete our mission, helping with scholarships for registration, accommodation, medical insurance and with the maintenance of centers and residences where students are trained and live.

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Serve the Church

Many Colombian bishops wish that some of their priests and seminarians study at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, and at the Ecclesiastical Studies Faculties of the University of Navarra, complementing their human and spiritual formation in the International Ecclesiastical Colleges such as Sedes Sapientae (Rome) and Bidasoa (Pamplona).

Holy and learned priests

La vida cristiana del mundo entero depende, en gran medida, de los sacerdotes y de su sólida formación espiritual, humana e intelectual, para dar debida respuesta a los muchos interrogantes y desafíos del siglo XXI, una vez concluidos sus estudios, los seminaristas o sacerdotes, regresan a Colombia para ejercer su ministerio en diversas diócesis, transmitiendo con alegría, la luz, la ciencia y la doctrina recibida.

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