Cañaverales Cultural Center

Cañaverales is a Cultural Center open to university students and professionals from Cali and its surroundings, interested in improving their academic performance and in acquiring an integral formation, for which conferences, forums, gatherings are organized. It has excellent facilities, and a large study room.

Desde 1980 cientos de universitarios y profesionales han encontrado en Cañaverales un espacio y un estímulo para mejorar su preparación humana, académica y espiritual, recibiendo la orientación doctrinal de la Prelatura del Opus Dei.

Club Samán

In the facilities of the Cañaverales Cultural Center the activities of the SAMÁN CLUB are carried out, which provides training for boys between the ages of 12 and 17, oriented towards the formation of Christian values ​​that they can exercise in their ordinary life. In order to achieve this goal, visits are organized to poor families, old people and orphanages in different neighborhoods of Cali, to awaken their social sensitivity and spirit of service; There are also training talks, walks, excursions and sports activities.

Contact information

Cra. 24 No. 3-15 Barrio Miraflores.

Cali, Valle del Cauca. 

+57 (2) 5568240