#Let's get to work

Throughout Colombia!

We are young people committed to social change and we know that with our willingness we can support those who need it.

Follow us on our social networks and tag your photos with #ManosALaObra #CorFomentoSocial

Help us to help!

We join efforts with the Parish of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, located in the city of Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá to support children and the community in general through your help and that of our volunteers.

¿Qué Hacemos en Ciudad Bolívar?

  • Training days
  • Medical and recreational days
  • Painting Joys (Restructuring facilities)
  • Delivery of markets and refreshments for all.

Support a priest

The priests of the world wait for your help, we seek to form Holy and learned priests who can apply their studies in our country, in the face of so many spiritual needs.

Each Priest with a scholarship at the end of his studies, returns to Colombia to serve the community, applying everything he learned in his studies in Rome.

Donate for the study of a priest

Donate is Believe in others

Being a donor means helping CorFomento fulfill its objective of promoting awareness in all areas of society about the importance of living human values ​​in work, family and culture.

What initiatives can I support?

The initiatives that support donors are of various kinds:
Permanent activities: Promoted by CorFomento, since its foundation.
Projects: They arise as punctual initiatives.


It has given me great joy to know the diversity of projects promoted by Corfomento in favor of youth


There is nothing better than sharing what one has with others. The first one who wins is me.

Sergio Pardo

Working in a social work I discovered that with a small, but constant work, a great society can be built.

Santiago Salcedo

Forms of Donation

Consign or transfer to the account:
Ahorros Bancolombia # 2002 5000 904 - Corporación de Fomento Cultural - Corfomento

Para hacer una donación periódica, contáctanos.


Ingresa tus datos y nos pondremos en contacto.


Suma tus manos y pongámonos #ManosALaObra