Our corporate values


Efficiency and effectiveness


✓ We value collective capabilities and seek the coping of all our individual talents. 

¡Local partners, beneficiaries, benefactors and team have a lot to contribute!

✓ We work oriented towards the achievement of results, our objectives are based on the excellence of administrative management.

✓ We responsibly use the means we have to carry out our projects.

Our management guarantees access to information and accountability to all stakeholders.

All our projects are developed in an organized manner.




✓ With the support of professionals, responsible leaders and public and private entities; We promote actions that encourage the participation of young entrepreneurs with a social sense and offer solutions to social, cultural and educational problems.

✓ Beneficiaries, volunteers, professionals and collaborators are the center of our operation, we believe in their abilities and creativity and we seek them to carry out activities in favor of the communities.

✓ We seek to have an impact on the communities with which we work, our commitment goes beyond our participation, we want social transformation to materialize in the development of people.

We are currently working on and supporting the global goal proposed by the United Nations (UN) for the year 2030, so that our social projects are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. If you want to know more about them, visit our publications and be part of this great goal for humanity.

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